Keystone Donors

The Baton Foundation honors its Keystone Donors.

Late in the summer of 2015, a GoFundMe campaign was initiated to support the Cultural Heritage Program. The campaign was successful and provided seed funding with which we launched the program the following year. In recognition of the individuals who gave, and in appreciation of their generous donations, we honor them as Keystone Donors. As The Baton Foundation grows and realizes its mission, the individuals listed below will be remembered as the organization’s financial foundation. Thank you.

Keystone Donors

Linda Bell
Jim Byers
Reginald Chapple
Claudette Dewey
Makeba Dixon-Hill
Laura Dobson
Lorraine Fontane
Chetter Galloway
Antoine Haywood
Maggie Hernandez-Knight
John Hoffman
David Knight
Crystal and Derrick Lockwood
Stephen Maglott

David Mitchell
Chantá Parker, Esq.
Maritza Pedlar, MPH
Dolen Perkins-Valdez, PhD
Carol Sandiford
Carol Stapp, PhD
Roderick Tate
Patrick Tisdale
Lauren Waits
Amos White, V
Robert Williams
Pamela Williams-Phelps
Beth Woodward
Marc Wortman, PhD

The Baton Foundation exists to strengthen Black boys and adolescents emotionally, culturally, and intellectually.


© Copyright 2019-2023 The Baton Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.


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