Patrons & Partners


Patrons of The Baton Foundation provide funding and/or in-kind services that support the organization’s day-to-day operations and/or programs. We are grateful for their support and their commitment to our mission.

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Constellation Community Champions


Program Partners

Baton Foundation program partners help us to extend the organization’s reach to key audiences. Program partners also lend valuable intellectual insight and program management skills that help us effectively serve our community.

Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum
Alliance Theatre
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum
Common Good Atlanta
Georgia Humanities is a Baton Foundation Partner.
Georgia Humanities is a Baton Foundation Partner.
Gideons Promise
Spelman College
Atlanta Preservation Center

The Baton Foundation exists to strengthen Black boys and adolescents emotionally, culturally, and intellectually.


© Copyright 2019-2023 The Baton Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.


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